New Book Available

Description: The author recounts her journey from atheist to Christian Quaker, heavily influenced by the experience and message of the early Friends, especially George Fox. Lewis Benson provided further insights into Fox’s core message, “Christ has come to teach his people himself.”

Benson was a Quaker who preached Fox’s message to modern Friends. He also wrote about several things unique to the early Quakers: how God unifies his people, and the claim that we can live without sin in this life.

On her journey, the author struggled with fear, insufficient trust in God, a desire to hold part of herself aloof from God, and loss of livelihood and career. She also battled the effects of early traumas, but God’s power overcame all her adversities.

Book Details:

  • Copyright: 2023
  • Pages: 158
  • Paperback dimensions: 5.375 X 8 inches
  • ISBN: 979-8-218-22470-7

You can order Rebecca Hein’s book from our store, from IngramSpark (printed and shipped from Lightning source), from Barnes and Noble, or from Amazon. If you are ordering from outside the U.S., use the IngramSpark (Lightning Source) link. They have a global network of printers and may be able to print and ship from a location near you.

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About Ellis Hein

I am a woodturner and the author of The Woodturner's Project Book. I have a life-long interest in the gospel preached by George Fox and the early Quakers. You can see some of my material on that subject at
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